Growing up, I was a great student with lots of friends. I played sports and read books in my free time. I made honor roll and received scholarship offers from colleges across the country. So, when I was diagnosed with A.D.H.D. as a teenager, my parents and I were a bit surprised to say the least. I didn’t display the “stereotypical symptoms” that we usually associate with A.D.H.D. I wasn’t outwardly bouncing off the walls. I didn’t disobey or ignore my teachers and coaches’ directions. Most people would describe me as a good kid. But internally I was screaming for more answers.
I didn’t understand why I always needed to interrupt people when they were talking (maybe so I wouldn’t forget what I wanted to say?). It physically pained me to be patient and wait my turn for things I had no interest in (maybe I was just bored?). I couldn’t stop picking at my hair or shaking my leg (maybe I was just anxious?). All I really knew was that I was confused and frustrated.
My doctor further explained that A.D.H.D. symptoms can present differently for everyone depending on age, gender, and various internal and external factors. My hyperactivity and impulsive tendencies manifested in seemingly harmless ways and had minimal impacts on others besides myself. I wasn’t a nuisance to anyone else except me, but I had had enough.
After undergoing various psychological tests and evaluations to confirm my doctor’s initial verdict, we developed a plan of action to help me cope moving forward that included self-management strategies and psychotherapy. I learned how to prioritize tasks and set reminders
Gaining a better understanding of my diagnosis proved to be life changing. I no longer felt like a hamster running on a wheel, frantic and directionless. I finally had control over my thoughts, emotions, and actions. I finally felt like me again.
Taking the steps needed to get help can be overwhelming. If you think you or someone you know may have A.D.H.D., reach out for your free phone consultation today.